Moon Area High School’s drama club is getting ready for its spring production of Legally Blonde. The musical tells the story of Elle Woods, a sorority girl who follows her ex-boyfriend, Warner Huntington III, to Harvard Law School to win him back. Along the way, Elle proves she’s more than just her looks and discovers her true potential.
This year’s production features some familiar faces from the drama club. Gia Carlisle, a junior, will play Enid Hoops, a strong-willed law student. Gia has been part of the Moon drama club since her freshman year, and Legally Blonde will be her sixth show with the program. Her favorite play she has done so far has been Something Rotten. When asked what her favorite part about being in theatre was, Gia answered, “I love seeing my friends every day at rehearsal.”
Pratham Singh, also a junior, will play Warner Huntington III in this spring’s musical, Warner is Elle’s ex-boyfriend. Like Gia, Pratham has been in drama club since freshman year, and this will also be his sixth show. His favorite play he has acted in so far has been The Best Christmas Pageant Ever. “My favorite part of theater is taking the final bow,” Pratham shared when asked his favorite part about Drama Club. “It’s such a great feeling to see all the hard work pay off.”
Junior Finley Egal will take on the lead role of Elle Woods. She has been part of the drama club since fifth grade, and her favorite play school play she has been in so far has been The Drowsy Chaperone. Finley’s favorite part about being in theatre is the people she gets to work with in theater. “The cast and crew are like family,” she said.
With such a talented and dedicated cast, this year’s production of Legally Blonde is sure to be a hit. Don’t miss the chance to see Moon Area High School bring this fun and inspiring story to life!